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First Baptist Church

Women's Ministry Survey

The ministry team is seeking God's vision for Women's Ministry at FBCMHC and to develop ways to make it happen. Our earnest desire is to see the women of our church CONNECT WITH OTHER and cultivate relationships that promote Biblical love and service to God and to each other.
Marital Status
Primary work/career focus:
I currently attend (check all that apply)
The following community ministries interest me (check all that apply):
Please let us know what kinds of events/activities you are interested in:
Would you be interest in Missions Education?
I would like to learn more about:
I would participate in the following (check all that apply):
Would you read a WMU magazine about Mission Discipleship Compassion Ministries and Leadership Development if available to take home from church?
Would you be interested in being a Bible Study Leader?
Have you been active in a women's minstry?

First Baptist Church
810 Bridges Street
Morehead City, NC  28557
Phone:  252.726.4142
Fax: 252.726.4784

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